How Much Are Montgomery County Property Taxes?
Whether you live in Bexar County or Montgomery County, Texas property tax rates vary across the state. To put it in perspective, the average tax rate for Texas is calculated to be 1.83%, but some of the counties with the lowest property taxes in Texas, such as Borden County, are as low as 0.34%. However, there are Texas counties with high average effective tax rates that are as much as Fort Bend County’s 2.23%.
In Montgomery County, property taxes match Texas’ average effective tax rate at 1.83%. Like other counties, this rate is calculated by assessors working in a tax office. These professionals evaluate the value of personal properties and real estate that are taxable in Montgomery County; this region is referred to as the appraisal district. However, factors such as ordinances and levies can cause the tax bills for individual cities within the county to be different than another. For instance, due to school district taxes, the city of Dallas has an average tax rate of 2.85% while all of Dallas County is only 1.99%.
How Do Montgomery County Property Taxes Compare?
As we mentioned, Montgomery County property taxes sit right at the state’s average. Unfortunately, though, the median value of homes in the county is $206,400, so these annual tax payments can be very expensive depending on your cost of living. Comparatively speaking, Montgomery County, TX property taxes are much lower than certain counties like Webb and El Paso, which average out to 2.22%. But, Montgomery County ranks higher than the following counties:
- Travis County
- Kenedy County
- Mitchell County
- Fayette County
From Webb to Montgomery County, Texas property tax rates are greater than other states. This is because Texans do not have to worry about paying a state income tax like residents in other states.
When Are Montgomery County Property Taxes Due?
Once you receive your tax bill for your Montgomery County property taxes, you will need to pay it off by January 31st of the following year. This is the official deadline for when Texas property taxes are due, regardless of whether you live in Travis, Mitchell or Montgomery County. Delinquent property taxes will be issued to your account if you miss this deadline and will stay active until paid in full.
What Happens When You Get Montgomery County Delinquent Property Taxes?
As a resident of Montgomery County, delinquent property taxes can impact your annual statement if you fail to pay your tax bill by the deadline. At first, these tax penalty fees will begin at 7% of your total tax bill for the month of February and increase as the months go on. Whether you own a commercial or residential property, these percentages can go up 15% by June 30th. If you still haven’t paid by July 1st, you will also be required to pay an additional 15 to 20% collection fee.
Montgomery County, Texas Property Tax Exemptions
If you are a homeowner, you may qualify for some exemptions established for Montgomery County property taxes. These are all dependent upon specific criteria, so it’s important that you look over these requirements if you’re unsure of your eligibility.
What Happens if You Don’t Pay Your Montgomery County, TX Property Tax?
Not only will you receive a steep collection fee on top of the accrued interest from your Montgomery County delinquent property taxes, but you may receive a tax lien which allows the bank to foreclose on your property. You can prevent the foreclosure by taking care of this debt immediately, but the bank can auction off your tax deed if you ultimately default on your payment.
How To Pay Montgomery County Property Taxes
When you’re ready to pay your Montgomery County property taxes, simply head over to the Montgomery County Tax Assessor/Collector website. Once there, you’ll find your property tax bill by looking up one of the following criteria:
- Address
- CAD Reference Number
- Account Number
- Fiduciary Number

Prevent Montgomery County Delinquent Property Taxes With Tax Ease
Accruing fees from Montgomery County delinquent property taxes can negatively impact your livelihood and financial freedom. Don’t wait until it’s too late — Tax Ease can set you up with a loan to pay off your Montgomery County property taxes. With a stress-free and flexible payment schedule, you can rest assured that your home or business is fully protected from foreclosure. Contact us to learn more about our services or fill out your application today!