How Much Is Cameron County Property Tax?
If you’re a new home or property owner, you might be unsure of how property taxes work and curious about what you’ll have to pay at the end of the year. Regardless of the county, Texas residents pay an amount determined by the property’s value and the county’s average effective property tax rate. This rate is a small percentage obtained using a tax assessor’s judgment. This individual evaluates the real estate and taxable personal property within an appraisal district. In Cameron County, property taxes are set at 1.76%
One thing you should know: even if the average effective tax rate is 1.76% for Cameron County as a whole, this rate can be different depending on where you reside within the county. During an election, voters may be in favor of passing an ordinance which can, in turn, cause property taxes for a specific city to be higher than neighboring towns. For example, in Bexar County, the city of San Antonio pays a levy which has contributed to an average tax rate of 2.74%, which is significantly higher than the county’s average of 1.99%. This means that rates can be different between Harlingen and Brownsville, TX, so make sure you check in with the Cameron Appraisal District if you have any questions about your tax bill.
Are Cameron County Property Taxes Higher or Lower Than Other Counties?
The Cameron County property tax is relatively small compared to other counties, and even less than Texas’ state average which is 1.83%. Don’t get us wrong — this rate is still much more than some of the counties with the lowest property taxes in Texas, which include Kent and Ward counties. However, this number doesn’t even come close to the highest Texas property taxes, some of which are:
Another thing to consider is the fact that Texas has larger property taxes compared to other states. This is because Texans don’t pay their own individual state income taxes. Given this information and looking at the rates of more expensive counties, Cameron County property taxes aren’t too demanding, especially if your home is valued at a reasonable amount.
When Do You Need to Pay Your Cameron County Property Tax?
Like other counties in Texas, you can pay your Cameron County property tax once you receive your tax bill in October. The only stipulation is that you must pay this bill completely off by January 31st of the next year. In fact, regardless of what county you live in, this deadline is when Texas property taxes are due, period. And, if you live in Harris, Dallas or Cameron County, delinquent property taxes will apply to your account if you fail to pay by that deadline.
Charges Associated With Cameron County Delinquent Property Taxes
Fortunately, there are many exemptions in place for Cameron County property taxes. These range from religious institutes and private schools to a general residential homestead. Make sure you look into the list provided by the Cameron County Appraisal District website to see if you qualify.
What If You Choose Not to Pay Your Cameron County Delinquent Property Taxes?
When it comes to delinquent taxes, Cameron County is no different than any other Texas county. If you don’t pay your tax bill, not only will you receive all of the fees incurred and the additional collection fee after July 1st, your property may be foreclosed on. You will receive a tax lien which gives the bank the authority to begin the foreclosure process and potentially sell your tax deed through an auction.
How To Pay Cameron County Property Taxes
To pay your Cameron County property tax, you can either mail in your payment, stop by the tax office in person or do so online. Credit cards and e-checks are required for online payments, but you can use the following for in-person payments:
- Checks
- Money orders
- Credit cards
- Cash
Lastly, to avoid any property tax delinquency on mailed-in payments, make sure they are postmarked before the January 31st deadline.

Let Tax Ease Keep You from Cameron County Delinquent Property Taxes
Delinquent taxes for Cameron County will eventually leave you with a large debt. Don’t let this stand in the way of your financial freedom — seek out a loan from Tax Ease! Learn more about our loan services and complete your application now.