What Is The Smith County, Texas, Property Tax Rate?
The 2021 property tax rate in Smith County was set at .335%. However, this is before you add in the cost to finance city services and the operating costs of your local school district. The total rate you pay can vary quite a bit from city to city, with the average total property tax in Smith County being approximately 2.2%. On a house appraised at $100,000, this would amount to taxes of $2,200 per year.
What Are the Smith County, Texas, Property Tax Rates By City?
Taking into account the property tax rate set by Smith County, the city government and the local school appraisal district, following are the approximate property tax rates by city:
- Arp 2.43%
- Bullard 2.29%
- Lindale 2.06%
- Troup 2.32%
- Whitehouse 2.39%
- Winona 2.00%
- Tyler 2.08%
Each year, you’ll receive a notice about the Smith County Property Taxes you owe. However, you can get an idea of how much you’re going to have to pay by using the Tax Estimator provided by the Smith County Tax Office.
Why Do I Have To Pay Smith County Property Taxes?
While you won’t have to pay an income tax bill in Texas, each county has a property tax collector. Smith County property tax collection is necessary to pay for the services citizens enjoy. The Smith County property tax pays for things like local schools, roads, safety services, libraries, parks and other community services. It’s crucial to keep up with your payments because Smith County delinquent taxes can result in costly penalties, fees and even a tax lien on your property.
Are There Tax Exemptions From Property Tax in Smith County?
In Texas, there are several types of exemptions from appraised property values that determine property taxes. For example, there is a homestead exemption, and if you’re over 65, disabled or a veteran, you may qualify for a Smith County property tax exemption. These exemptions may be partial or total (also known as “absolute”). Partial exemptions lower the amount of a property’s value, thus lowering the amount of tax that’s due. A total exemption excludes the property from being taxed at all. To claim an exemption, you need to complete an application and file it with your appraisal district. An appraiser is responsible for accepting or rejecting the exemption. Property owners are advised to read the application instructions carefully since the requirements for Tax Code exemption are extensive.
Do I Qualify For A Property Tax Abatement?
If you believe your property has been assessed at too high a value, you can appeal to your local tax assessor’s department for an abatement. In addition, some communities offer a property tax abatement to an owner who’s restored or improved historical properties in their neighborhood.
Where Do I Pay My Property Taxes?
You can pay your Smith County property taxes in person, online or by mail. There is also a dropbox available at the Smith County Tax Office.

Getting Behind On Your Taxes? Tax Ease Can Help With Smith County Property Tax Loans
Tax Ease has expertise and experience in managing Smith County business/personal property tax loans for Texas residents. Don’t wait until costly interest and penalties add up. Contact Tax Ease for Smith County property tax loans and fill out an application today!