Pre-loan/Application questions
If you’re still considering a property tax loan but haven’t yet applied, we invite you to review the questions other borrowers have asked to see if Tax Ease can provide you with property tax help in Texas:
Right here! Tax Ease can help with back property taxes and set up convenient loan terms for repayment. Our 5-step tax loan process is quick and easy!
Most commercial, residential and investment properties, as well as vacant land, are eligible for a property tax loan. This is assuming the property is maintained and the borrower isn’t in bankruptcy.
Most commercial, residential and investment properties, as well as vacant land, are eligible for a property tax loan. This is assuming the property is maintained and the borrower isn’t in bankruptcy.
Yes, if you qualify for a loan, Tax Ease can pay current and past-due taxes, as well as any interest, penalties and legal fees, freeing you from dealing with the tax collector.
We’ll be happy to assist you with all the properties you own. We may even be able to consolidate your properties into a single loan.
Our loans are not credit-based. Provided the borrower is not in bankruptcy, credit history is not usually an issue. You will need to verify your income, but most loans are approved regardless of credit score.
You may opt to pay off your loan over the course of 3, 5, 7 or 10 years. This provides you with the flexibility to make affordable payments that work for you.
No, there are no application fees for a property tax loan from Tax Ease.
Of course. We’re available by phone seven days a week. You can also submit an application online, if you prefer.
For your application, please have a recent mortgage statement (if there is a mortgage). For a residential loan, you will also need some form of income documentation that proves your income(recent paycheck, W-2, etc.). In some cases we’ll accept a stated income affidavit.
More than you’d ever want to pay. As of February 1st, your property taxes are considered delinquent. At that point, most taxing authorities assess a 7% penalty which increases another 2% each month through June 30th. On July 1st, a hefty collection fee of 20% is added. By the end of the year, you could end up paying 47.6% in penalties, fees and interest along with your original property taxes.
It’s vital that you check with your local taxing authority to determine what tax benefits are available to you, particularly if you’re disabled, over 65 years old, a veteran or a homestead property owner. We are not authorized to offer loans to anyone who is eligible for exemptions that would qualify them for lower interest rate loans than what we offer.
Tax Ease will approve you for a property tax loan in as little as 24 hours. All we need is some basic info from you.
Yes. Several of our customers have properties with an existing mortgage or loan.
It depends on your situation, but it’s unlikely that you’ll find lower rates elsewhere.
Post-loan/Payment questions
If you have questions about what happens after you apply, we invite you to read on to learn more.
Don’t worry. Many of our customers currently have loans on their properties.
Missed payments happen for a variety of reasons. We will work with you to minimize any headaches. We pride ourselves on being able to work with borrowers to facilitate repayment.
There is no new lien added to your property. Any existing lien is merely transferred to us when you choose Tax Ease to pay your property taxes in full. This is what’s known as a tax lien transfer (TLT).
FAQ: If I Currently Have A Loan With Tax Ease, Can I Get Another One For The Following Year's Taxes?
Yes! We can consolidate your loans and pay off the new year’s taxes.
The simplest way is to set up an automatic withdrawal from your checking account every month. If you prefer, you can make a payment by mail with a personal/cashier’s check or money order, or you can visit our online payment site.
The state of Texas does not collect income tax.
Yes. Property tax loans can be paid off any time on residential loans without incurring early payment penalties.

Get Property Tax Help In Texas from Tax Ease Today
If you need help paying your property taxes, we can help. Tax Ease provides property tax funding with loans designed to ease your tax burden and payments tailored to meet your needs. We’ve provided property tax help in Texas to thousands of commercial and residential property owners, enabling them to avoid additional penalties, fees and foreclosure. Learn more and find the property tax solutions you need. Contact Tax Ease or fill out a Texas Property Loan Application today!
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