When Does the Texas Legislature Meet?
For about five months every other year, the Texas Legislature meets in Regular Session at the Capitol in Austin. The calendar dates for the Regular Session of the 87th Texas Legislature ran from January 12 to May 31, 2021. Along with discussions about the state budget, education and the COVID pandemic, property taxes were on the legislative agenda for discussion by Republicans and Democrats during this Texas Legislative Session.
What Changes Are Being Made To Property Tax Law?
During the Regular Session of the 87th Texas Legislature, representatives made various changes to property tax laws that benefited tax professionals and taxpayers. Changes included property tax rate calculations and timelines for budgets. Once the bills went through the Texas State Legislature, they were signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott.
House Bill 2429
The Texas Legislature decreed a public notice is required for taxes calculated at a rate that is more than the rate approved by voters but not the de minimis rate.
House Bill 2723
This bill created a centralized website for property tax databases as required by the Texas Property Tax Reform and Transparency Act. The information posted to each database was updated in August and September 2021 as local officials proposed and adopted property tax rates.
Senate Bill 1438
An emergency revenue rate was created during the Texas Legislative Session. When they qualify, local governments can use it if they choose to adopt the rate based on the requirements in the bill. The bill excludes droughts, epidemics and pandemics from the emergency term “disaster” when considering the application for the emergency revenue rate.
When Will The New Provisions Become Effective?
Some of the provisions enacted during the Texas Legislative Session went into effect on June 16 or September 1, 2021. Others will become effective January 1, 2022.
Did the Texas Legislature Pass Property Tax Bills After the Regular Session?
Yes, there were special sessions that met after the regular 2021 session that included revisions to property tax laws. Many of these provided some relief to taxpayers.
Senate Bill 8
Currently, when a homeowner buys their property, they have to wait until January 1 of the following year to claim a homestead exemption. This bill by the Texas Legislature allows the homeowner to take their homestead exemption in the year they acquired their property. The revised effective date could save qualifying new homeowners a significant sum on their property tax.
House Bill 1090
Up until now, the Chief Appraiser was given five years to find and correct an omission from the appraisal roll. When an error was found within this five-year period, back taxes, penalties and interest were levied against the taxpayer. Effective September 1, the amount of time the chief appraiser has to find and correct errors dropped to three years.
Senate Bill 1421
Thanks to the Texas Legislative Session, taxpayers who make errors on their property tax will now have two years to correct their renditions and get refunds.
Senate Bill 1449
This bill was passed to help small businesses. The personal property tax exemption was increased from $500 to $2,500 for income-producing personal property owned by qualifying small businesses.
House Bill 1197
The Texas Legislature extended the Tax Code from six to ten years for the amount of time religious organizations can claim a property tax exemption on land that’s adjacent to their property for purposes of development.
Tax Ease Can Help (Even If Texas Legislature Changes Didn’t)
If you’re finding it difficult to pay your Texas Property Taxes even after the changes made during the Texas Legislative Session, don’t wait any longer. If you’re late paying your taxes, penalties and late fees will be piled on, and a lien can be placed on your property. Arrange for a Personal Property Tax Loan from Tax Ease. Just follow our simple 5-step process to apply for a Tax Ease Personal Property Tax Loan. We’ll take care of your property taxes and provide you with a manageable payment plan. To apply for a Texas Property Tax Loan, contact Tax Ease today!

Don’t Pay Another Another Property Tax Fee or Penalty
Regardless of what the Texas Legislature does, if you’re late paying your property taxes, it’s not too late to call Tax Ease for help. We’ll pay any outstanding property tax you owe, then put you back on track with affordable monthly payments. Apply for your property tax loan today!